Knowing yourself is critical to leading effectively.
Building self-awareness around your emotion data, and understanding your motivational drivers enable you to unlock the potential in yourself and your teams.
Leaders must find equilibrium amid constant change and be capable of making critical decisions affecting people and processes for the good of organizational performance.
Effective leaders must also be attuned to their leadership competencies before acting on them.
There’s reason to suggest that self-aware leaders directly correlate to happier employees and healthier companies that outperform the competition.
According to an analysis by Korn/Ferry International, companies with higher rates of financial return tend to employ professionals with high degrees of self-awareness.
Relatedly, research by the Association for Talent Development shows that self-aware leaders report having:
Reaping these rewards can be achieved through honest self-assessment.
Working with a coach in a thought and accountability partnership aids you in examining core beliefs in how you view yourself and how others experience you, to identify new ways of being, as leader, to meet the moment more authentically.
While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a leading indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, your emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed through awareness and practice.
The EQ-i 2.0 measures the interaction between you, and the systems and environments you operate in. Assessing and evaluating your emotional intelligence can help pinpoint areas of focus for development.
The EQ-i 2.0 subscales are strongly related to leadership competencies that correlate with productivity, performance, decreased employee turnover, and increased efficiency.
The EQ-i 2.0 model uses four common leadership dimensions inherent to most models of leadership: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation.
The development potential identified by the EQ-i 2.0, also available in group and 360 formats, along with the targeted strategies provided, make it a highly effective leadership development tool.
Relationships are connections built on a foundation of shared experiences and future expectations. Core Strengths Relationship Intelligence helps teams to identify past misperceptions, apply the right approach to the moment, and co-create a better way to work together in the future.
When people discover how to harness what drives their personal performance, they not only take ownership for their choices, but they begin to appreciate differences in others and build trust. Together, teams learn to create quality interactions where problems get solved and work gets done.
Teams composed of strong relationships are less likely to have communication breakdowns. Focused on conversations where work gets done, teams with relationship intelligence promote healthy opposition to quickly see all sides of an issue, so they can make timely decisions that drive results.
Relationship Intelligence (RQ) provides visibility into the motives, conflict, and strengths of a team. Leaders who apply this insight will get the best of everyone’s strengths, and build a culture of resilient relationships that are responsive to challenges and opportunities.